Dixie Wildfire Plume

The plume of California’s 2021 Dixie wildfire was so massive, it showed up on radar. The New York Times newsroom graphics team and R&D collaborated to take radar data and reconstruct the file’s plume in 3D for a front page print article, interactive web article, and augmented reality explainer.

As I wrote in an article for The New York Times’ behind-the-scenes tech blog, Open, while the team was researching the event, I supported their analysis with stats and visualizations made in Python from radar station data. For publication in our web article, I generated 3D volumes in Python, then processed, styled and animated them in Houdini. Alongside this work, I developed an augmented reality explainer, writing custom shaders for rendering cloud volumes on mobile.

Covered in an article by Times Insider, a series which delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how Times journalism comes together. Published as a Lesson of the Day by The Times’ Learning Network, a free resource to help people use Times materials for teaching and learning.

👤 Role: Software Engineer

🏆 Awards: Society for News Design Silver Medal, from the judges: “The 3D is nicely produced but also data accurate, which adds a level of precision you don’t often see. This project is near perfect.”


Radar Data in NOAA WCT
Radar Data Slices in Google Earth
Radar Isosurfaces in Google Earth
3D Graphs in Python
Height Studies in Houdini
Isosurface Studies in Houdini
Turbulence Studies in Houdini
Volume Rendering in Houdini
Volume Slicing in Houdini
AR Prototype
AR Explainer
AR Explainer